Dharmendrasinhji Arts College ISO 9001:2015
Affiliated to Saurashtra University
Education Department, Govt. Of Gujarat

Voter Awareness Program

Dharmendrasihji Arts College Campus

Goal • To give opportunity to voice one’s own opinion and vote for what he/she believe in. • Awareness about the right of vote is not just a right but it’s our duty. • To teach the youth about the importance of voting for the • democratic political system Spreading the information in youth regarding voting process. Context Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. It requires a huge participation from entire population, which requires awareness regarding importance of voting in democratic system. Without the involvement of youth democracy cannot be made stronger. Democracy is essentially being foundation of our country applies everywhere including education system. Even the education system cannot be operated without application of democracy. So awareness of democracy and education regarding participation in democracy is needed. The only way to participate in democracy is voting. That is to say participation in voting process is key to stronger democracy. To fulfill this need we start Voter awareness program since last fifteen years. Practice / mechanism of organization and implementation: Each year our college organizes voter awareness program in different places of this city. In voter awareness program we organize lectures on importance of voting, drawing competition, Oratory competition, voter awareness rally, street show and drama for voting awareness. We make the young student aware of voting, it’s process and it’s importance through lectures and students makes different people aware of voting through street play and drama. Evidence of success/ beneficiaries: Through voter awareness program we increase the participation of students in voting and through different voter awareness activities we see increasing local voter’s participation in voting process. Along with this the collector of this district has appreciated our initiative of voter awareness program. Last year more than 500 students above 18 years has listed their name in voter list through filling form no 6 which is made available in college. Through this program our goal which is to increase the involvement of huge population in voting process is made possible. Problems encountered & resources required: During Voter awareness program some time in village area we encounter local public’s anger regarding their own political issues with government.